If Man Obeyed God

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What if original sin had never occurred? I think you'll find that the fantasy concept known as "sin" is actually quite integral to our physical structure and success as a species. So, whether you take Genesis literally or not - if you believe we were designed by God - who is truly to blame for our "nature"?

After Pat Robertson explained that the earth is more than 6000 years old, using dinosaur bones as evidence, Ian Juby responded by explaining how that can't be true because death didn't exist before Adam.
"So, Mr. Robertson, was there death before Adam or not? Is the bible true or not? Jesus was supposed to bear the consequences of our sins, which is why he died on the cross; it was a consequence of sin. You have just nullified the reason for Christ's death." ~ Ian Juby
This exchange occurs at 8:20 in this video:

The premise of this video was suggested to me by DaithiDublin and his wonderful video:
"Re-Imagining Paradise (Poem)" Check it out and send him my best!

This topic was also addressed beautifully by the great NonStampCollector in these two videos:
Genesis (take #1)
Genesis (take #2)

Royalty-free music used in this video (in order of appearance):
"Neophyt - The Day You Left" by Tunguska Electronic Music Society

"Eugene Kush - MMOWM (part 1)" by Tunguska Electronic Music Society

"Big Band" by RubySeb

"Beast Appears" by Alexandr Bulgarov

"Demain je change de vie - INSTRUMENTAL VERSION" by Löhstana David

Sound effects:
Audio file(s) provided by http://www.audiomicro.com


38 Responses to "If Man Obeyed God"

  1. If you want to know the truth Read about Islam

  2. This video is sick.
    Jesus is the only way to the father.

  3. Christians, the truth is that the burden of truth is on you. As an atheist myself, I will not try to debate you on the existence of God because there isn't any.

  4. There is no such thing as Good without evil. This universe is too great to be created by nothing which goes against science. Stop taking the bible so literal you will not understand. Stop thinking faith vs science and more faith with science. Stupid comments will not be replied to.

  5. i always come back to this 1
    so funny

  6. I'm Christian, and I think this is funny. Why? Because I don't think that we get anywhere by being angry at parody material.

  7. I'm not talking to u dude just read the bible

  8. Goddamn, the humans/animals/insects layer was at least as thick as the mantle. And none of them suffocate to death at the bottom.....yuck...a layer of insects

  9. God said "hell" and "damn..."
    It just doesn't make much sense.

  10. Maybe if you read the bible you get it but you not supposed to make fun of God bec he give his son for our sin so stop it why are you make fun of you father and putting bad words in the video when he never sin before and never will sin

  11. If the channel owner put subtitles in several languages ​​, the channel would be more popular and assisted

  12. Not really sure I understand the ending

  13. Well if anybody pay attention it was never man that commited the first sin it was Lucifer that is why he was kicked out of Heaven. The Serpent lied to Eve... Sin was already in existence....

  14. And these fake gods like buddha and allah are statues and don't do anything

  15. I will pray for all of you that someone touches your heart to see things differently. I pray that you accept Jesus Christ as the Lord, and that you believe in Him with your heart. I pray that you might see that the Word of God is the absolute truth. Amen.

  16. tbh, I don't really believe in god. The thought of some dude spewing magic until he creats an exact replica of himself but without magic and make a crap load of other things is unbelievable. I'm not dissing anyone or calling anyone stupid either. I'm just saying its not believable to me. At least science can be proved.

  17. So Gods original plan was to be blissfully ignorant, & frolic around naked in a garden? I bet he was a big fan of Woodstock.

  18. One things for sure doing things my way is the unforgivable sin

  19. The video is wrong on the most fundamental point: Adam and Eve were already dying BEFORE they ate the forbidden fruit. Why do even think that the Tree of Life was there? It was there to keep them alive. The death God spoke of to Adam was spiritual death because God said, "On the day you eat of it you will die", yet Adam and Eve did not die on that day. Adam lived hundreds of years more. Where they "died" was in their spiritual relationship with God. This video is for retards who can't bother reading the Bible in context.

    The real question that should be asked that this stupid video does not ask is what would happen to all mankind if one of Adam's descendants had eaten the forbidden fruit, but nobody else had? Would everyone be punished because of that one person, including all those who were born before the person who ate the forbidden fruit?

  20. Eve was the first one to eat the fruit originally, but instead in this video, god shoved it in Adam.

  21. please stop making fun of god

  22. The person who made this video is foolish. If GOD want anything to live for ever the thing will live forever. The angels in heaven live forever they have eternal life. The bible said GOD created the angels to be minister spirit to help those who will inherit salvation. If adam and eve had not sin the earth would have been paradise.

  23. very stupid cartoon video.....better repent....this is mockery

  24. what do you mean by obeyed? I don't understand...this was just originally a story though...why would you make something like this?

  25. All this discussion leads me to say that"Man without a guidance from God Himself will not know the truth,and that man will always need for a messenger from God to tell him the truth."

  26. Got 99 beliefs but God ain't one.

  27. Amazing animation wow this is the best

  28. I love how he relates to the bible.....
    XD #JeffreyisloveJeffreyislife

  29. god exist but not like that...
    god is probably a computer engineer wich simulatated a giant universe, he generated a bumch electrons, protone nd neutrons nd made some rules for the simulation to follow the physical laws
